Sunday, February 21, 2010

Simple Money - Easy Saving

305 days until Christmas. Now is the time for this and it will give you JOY!

Call your local banks or credit unions today and find one that has a Christmas Club. It’s best if it’s not your regular bank, but not necessary. This is something you want to do and forget about - until Christmas.

Sign up for automatic withdrawal from your paycheck. Ask the bank how to do it, ask your payroll department how to do it. If you’re paid twice a month and start now - taking $10-$20 out of each check, you’ll have $200-$400 dollars by Christmas. You are unlikely to notice the difference and next Christmas….you’ll love me! In December, put that cash in an envelope and use it only for Christmas shopping. You will be amazed at how good you feel when you have cash for gifts - no debt, no stress.

Giving will be joyful again!

Misc tip: You can also do this for a vacation fund. If you want to go to Disney World next year, start now. Estimate what you’ll need for the trip, divide it by the number of paychecks you have from now to then. Bingo, when you’re ready to make your reservation, the money will be there. Did I really say “bingo”? Sorry. Say “hi” to the Head Mouse for me ;)
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