Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Justin on The Bachelorette - What a jerk! Goodbye and Good Riddance!

Did you watch The Bachelorette last night? Yikes! Justin, the wrestler with the broken leg, was finally exposed as the jerk of the season. We knew from the beginning, didn't we? Ever since he gave the Weatherman such a hard time on the first show, I knew this guy was a jerk.

Confession time: this is my first time watching either The Bachelor or The Bachelorette! I was drawn in when we accidentally dvr'd it because it came after another show. And now I'm hooked. The idea of one guy/girl dating multiple people seemed kind of.... hmm, unpleasant. Especially when physical relationships were involved. I've been surprised though, it doesn't seem as exploitive as I thought it might be. Although last nights' olive oil wrestling wasn't exactly a classy touch - just my opinion.

If you haven't been watching, here's a little catch-up - Ali, is a girl that was on a season of The Bachelor with Jake (he was on Dancing With The Stars). She chose to pursue her dream job rather than a relationship with Jake then had a change of heart and the producers liked her so much they gave her an opportunity to be The Bachelorette and find a guy of her own.

Last night, Ali found out that one of the guys on the show, Justin, had a long-time girlfriend and was only on the show for the fame - not to date her. She called him on it and he ran - literally, he was climbing over landscaping to get away from her and the cameras. Busted! He eventually came back to talk to her but had no smug comebacks this time - busted! Nice touch when they showed Justin walking away and the voiceover was his girlfriend's answering machine playing messages Justin had left her, exposing his lies! If you missed it and want to watch, click here, ABC has episodes available to watch on their website.
Who's left?
Frank - afraid to commit and still in love with his old girlfriend
Roberto - good-looking; nice guy - possibly "the one" (can you tell by center picture, he's my favorite!)
Ty - protective and strong, but exciting enough?
Kirk - not a strong personality but the chemistry is there
Chris - maybe too laid back and easy going for Ali
Surprise last minute entry? Jake?

If you want to read a blow-by-blow funny post about the show, check out Zap2It!

Did you watch?
What did you think?
Have you know a Justin or two?
Are you lucky and NOT married to a Justin?


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